The Complete Documentation Requirement For The Sri Lanka eVisa

Updated on Aug 05, 2024 | Sri Lanka e-Visa

Sri Lanka is a scenic island country which is not only famous for its natural beauty and charm, but it is also a nation with an ever-growing economy which offers tons of opportunities to explore the business and entrepreneurship industry. To enter Sri Lanka as a tourist or a business person, all international non-resident individuals will have to possess a valid Visa or authorization which will prove their legal stay in the country.

Since 2012, with the introduction of the Sri Lanka eVisa (electronic travel authorization), the process to obtain a valid Visa/permit for Sri Lanka has become extremely advanced and simple. By simply filling out an online application form and attaching necessary documents, travellers from across the globe can obtain a Sri Lanka eVisa in the matter of 24 hours to 72 hours. The application process of the Sri Lanka eVisa is extremely straightforward and facilitated which requires an applicant to choose their preferred location and time of application as the entire process is purely online. Thus visits to a Sri Lanka Embassy will not be required.

Although the application process for a Sri Lanka eVisa is extremely simple, the applicant is recommended to learn about the specific eVisa type they will need to fulfil all their planned purposes of visit in Sri Lanka. In connection to that, it is extremely important for all applicants to make themselves aware of the documentation requirements for Sri Lanka eVisa before they start applying for one as it will enable them to enjoy a smooth and swift application process. It will also ensure that the applicant's application does not get rejected or delayed as attaching incorrect documents can increase the possibility of getting a denied eVisa application.

On this informative page, all applicants from across the world will be educated about the complete documentation requirement for the Sri Lanka eVisa.

What Is An Electronic Travel Authorization For Sri Lanka?

The Sri Lanka eVisa, often referred to as the electronic travel authorization, is a type of Visa that permits foreign nationals to enter Sri Lanka electronically for a variety of activities, including transit, business and tourism. This eVisa is ideal for short visits to Sri Lanka as the duration of stay permitted on all eVisa types is 30 days. The three main types of Sri Lanka eVisa are:

  • Tourist eVisa
  • Business eVisa
  • Transit eVisa

What Are The General Documentation Requirements For Obtaining A Sri Lanka eVisa?

To apply for any type of Sri Lanka eVisa, all applicants will have to fulfil the general documentation requirements for Sri Lanka eVisa. Here is the complete list of all the general and basic documents required to apply for a Sri Lanka eVisa regardless of the purpose of visit or the eVisa type obtained.

A Valid Passport

Firstly, all applicants should mandatorily hold a valid passport that belongs to a nation that is eligible to obtain a Sri Lanka eVisa. It is recommended that an applicant checks whether the passport possessed by them is eligible to apply for a Sri Lanka eVisa.

Moreover, the applicants who are dual citizens with two passports should make sure that they are using the same passport to enter Sri Lanka as they are doing to apply for an eVisa.

The passport used by the applicant should be machine readable. In addition, the passport must be valid for at least six months after the date of entry into Sri Lanka. Lastly, the passport used for application should have two blank pages to receive entry and exit stamps during arrival and departure from Sri Lanka.

A Digital Passport Style Photograph

Along with a valid passport, one of the most important documentation requirements for Sri Lanka eVisa is a digital passport style photograph. Here is a list of all the specific photo requirements that should be met for obtaining a Sri Lankan eVisa:

  • Size: The digital photograph used for the Sri Lanka eVisa application should be in colour. The ideal size should be 3.5cm × 4.5cm.
  • Background: The background of the digital photograph should be plain white. Or a light colour/shade.
  • Expression: The expressions on the applicant's face in the digital photograph should be neutral. The eyes should be open, mouth closed and the applicant should be directly looking at the camera.
  • Head position: The applicant's head should be in the centre of the photograph with the face facing directly at the camera.
  • Accessories: All applicants should avoid wearing any sort of accessories or jewellery in the photograph. Exceptions are always applied towards the use of accessories for religious purposes. Avoid wearing sunglasses or scarfs which cover the face.

A Valid Email Address

It should be noted that since the entire application process is carried online on the internet, the applicant will receive their approved eVisa online too via the medium of email.

That's why it's important that all applicants mention a valid, frequently used and accessible email in the application form to make sure that they are reviving timely updates about their application. If an applicant enters an incorrect email address, they may not be able to receive their approved eVisa document or notification.

Thus the filled in email address should be double-checked by the applicant to ensure that there are errors in the spelling of the email address.

A Valid Credit Card Or Debit Card

While making a payment for the Sri Lanka eVisa, all applicants should ensure that they are using a valid digital payment method such as a credit card or debit card.

Specific requirements associated with the credit/debit card are highly associated with the website or service provider through which the applicant is applying for an eVisa. Generally, the internationally accepted cards from Amex, Visa and MasterCard are accepted for secure payment.

Scanned Copy Of The Passport Information Page

In the list of documentation requirements for Sri Lanka eVisa, a standard requirement is the scanned copy of the passport bio page which contains all the vital personal information about the applicant. Mainly, the applicant should fill out their full name, DOB and passport details from their passport bio page.

The scanned copy of the passport information page, that the applicant is going to attach, should be clear and legible. Each detail should be clearly readable in the copy. The ideal file format in which this scanned copy should be submitted is JPEG or PDF.

What Are The Additional/Specific Documentation Requirements For A Tourist eVisa For Sri Lanka?

After learning the general/basic documentation requirements for Sri Lanka eVisa, it is essential to shed light on the specific/additional documentation requirements for the Tourist eVisa. Since all eVisa types are meant for different purposes of visit, there are certain additional/specific documentation requirements for application that should be met. Here the Sri Lanka Tourist eVisa additional documentation requirements will be explored.

Evidence of accomodation

An evidence of  is basically a document that confirms the place at which the traveller is going to reside during their stay in Sri Lanka with the eVisa. When it comes to the Tourist eVisa, it can be in the form of a letter of invitation presented by a host in Sri Lanka that is inviting the traveller to stay at their home. This is generally observed when the traveller is visiting friends or family members in Sri Lanka.

Evidence of sufficient funds

To obtain a Sri Lanka Tourist eVisa, it is essential that the applicant provide evidence of sufficient funds as an additional document. This evidence can be presented in the form of a bank statement, proof of employment, etc.

Travel itinerary

It is advisable for all applicants to plan a travel itinerary well in advance from the date on which they plan to enter Sri Lanka. This will allow them to indulge in all activities they have planned for Sri Lanka along with visiting famous tourist spots and natural attractions which are well-known in the country.

Return flight ticket

A return flight ticket from Sri Lanka or an onward journey ticket should be possessed by the applicant which will prove their intention to exit Sri Lanka after their visit ends.

Travel insurance

All applicants should ensure that they have travel insurance which will cover all medical emergencies that the traveller may face during their stay in Sri Lanka. This insurance will also cover repatriation during the temporary residence in Sri Lanka with the eVisa.

What Are The Additional/Specific Documentation Requirements For A Business eVisa For Sri Lanka?

In the list of documentation requirements for Sri Lanka eVisa, we will be exploring the additional/specific documentation requirements for a Business eVisa for Sri Lanka.

Details of business itinerary

This includes information about the organisation that the business visitor will be visiting. And the purpose of their visit to Sri Lanka.

Evidence of employment or business ownership

This document can be in the form of a letter issued by the visitor's employer. Or business registration/incorporation documents to prove business ownership.

A letter from employer

This letter should clearly state the applicant's purpose of visit to Sri Lanka, their position in the organisation and the period for which they will be staying in the country.

A letter of recommendation

The business visitor should possess a letter of recommendation or reference from a business associate or customer.

Copies of contacts and/or agreements

The applicant should be in possession of copies of any contracts or agreements associated with their business activities in Sri Lanka.

Financial documents

Financial documents are generally submitted as evidence of financial stability in Sri Lanka. These documents include bank statements or income tax returns.

Travel insurance

The business visitor should possess travel insurance for their trip to Sri Lanka with the eVisa to cover any unexpected medical urgencies and emergencies.

What Are The Additional/Specific Documentation Requirements For A Transit eVisa For Sri Lanka?

Lastly, in the list of documentation requirements for Sri Lanka eVisa, we will be discussing the additional/specific documentation requirements for a Transit eVisa for Sri Lanka.

A valid Visa

The applicant should possess a valid Visa or any other original travel document for their final destination if required as a specific document for the Transit eVisa application.

Proof of funds

The applicant should make sure that they are able to prove the possession of sufficient funds to cover all expenses in Sri Lanka. Just like the other eVisa types, this evidence can be in the form of bank statements, proof of employment, etc.

A confirmed flight ticket for onward journey

The applicant should compulsorily possess a confirmed flight ticket for their onward journey within 48 hours of their arrival in Sri Lanka.


Any other supporting or additional document can be required in association with the traveller's transit such as: A letter from the airline or travel itinerary.

What Are The Entry Documentation Requirements Associated With The Sri Lanka eVisa?

To enter Sri Lanka with an eVisa, the traveller will have to meet a certain set of entry documentation requirements for Sri Lanka eVisa which include:

Tourist eVisa

The entry documentation requirements for Sri Lanka Tourist e-Visa are as follows:

  • Valid passport.
  • Printed eVisa approval.
  • Return on onward journey ticket.
  • Evidence of adequate funds.
  •  details.
  • Travel itinerary.

Business eVisa

The entry documentation requirements for Sri Lanka Business e-Visa are as follows:

  • Valid passport.
  • Printed eVisa approval.
  • Business related documents such as invitation letter, registration letter, letter of recommendation/reference, etc.
  • Return or onward journey ticket.
  • Evidence of adequate funds.
  •  details.
  • Travel itinerary.

Transit eVisa

The entry documentation requirements for Sri Lanka Transit e-Visa are as follows:

  • Valid passport.
  • Printed eVisa approval.
  • Valid Visa or other travel document for the next/final destination.
  • Evidence of onward travel.


This informative page helps us to understand all the important documentation requirements for Sri Lanka eVisa which will allow applicants to ensure a smooth eVisa application along with assured eVisa approval.

Apply for Sri Lanka e-Visa 72 hours in advance of your flight. Citizens from Australia, New Zealand, France and Greece can apply online for Sri Lanka e-Visa.